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Cousin's Wedding
Written at Sunday, May 15, 2011 | back to top

Aloha, today you guys will stand a chance to see the elegant type of Jasmine. *narcissist-ing*
xDD What??? I do look kinda elegant in this dress, do I??? Lolxx.. Okay, I'm crapping again. I know it's time to quit it.
Back to the topic, today's my cousin's Wedding Day. Frankly, I never meet her before until today.
My family tree is too big, bigger than you can ever imagine, the numbers are massive!. LOL... It's embarrassing when you don't even know who are your cousins and relatives. It can happen when he/she just pass by and you don't even know he/she is actually your relatives. So, do appreciate your time with your family and get to know more about your relatives. *winks*
My cousin is a she, and she just came back from Australia for her wedding. Well, her husband is an Indian I guess, or maybe a mix.
Her wedding dinner held at this Grand Palace at Pavilion. Sounds kinda high class har?? LOL.. That's why I have to dress up like a total matured lady. @.@ But, I look elegant right??? *OMG I just can't stop with the elegant part* Let's have a look at the photos I took. I promised for more photos this time and so here they are!!!! *ngek ngek* Neither the bride nor groom I'm gonna show you, it's gonna be Jasmine ONLY!!!

 I like my this silky hair. Love that feeling! Aww~

Geee wiitt~~ Imma sexay bitch!!! LOL.
OMG I can't stand with myself!!! *blush*

 My look of the day!!! Told you I looked elegant!!!
