Hey friends! It's Jasmine again! This is gonna be a working post again. *winks* because recently I'm addicted in working. xD This time, dear Wess asked me to work as a co-star. What drama is this?
To be frank I don't know. *blush*
We having the shooting at Sunway Pyramid. Early in the morning had to wake up and rush to Sunway. And when I said early in the morning it is early in the morning, 5 o'clock. WTH~
Okay, we gathered by 7am and waited for the directors and camera crews. We are like their cockroaches wandering around just waiting for their orders. Waiting for the stars to act and listening to the directors to say "cut" and "action". I swore I will ever do this anymore in my entire life.
Well, it's photo section now. Enjoy! =)
It's today's look =)
This is one of the main actress form Singapore.
And omg she's tall!
Right after the shooting session.
We had our dinner at Bar-b-Q Plaza.
Here's my babes.
(Joey, from left, and Wess)
Right after the dinner we went to Brand's Outlet to shop!
And OMG i love that place! I can get many nice and cheap clothes~
look what I bought!
Tah-Da!!!! I like it and my Baby loves it!
P.S:- Shoppers I strongly recommend you to try to shop there! It's amazing!
Labels: WorkinG is FUN