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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

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Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

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F1-Circuit Sepang
Co-star Jasmine!
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Export Furniture Exhibition (EFE)
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An Outing with my Babe ❤
Written at Tuesday, April 26, 2011 | back to top

Yeah~ It's me and my baby Jinn's date!! ❤ No Boys!!! 
Baby Jinn brought me to Levain for dinner. Ooooohh laaa laaa~~ I'm loving it man!!! The first look at it, I'm straightly attracted by it. I don't know why, maybe cox of it's design or maybe cox of it's environment... OR Maybe it's cox of my darling brought me there!!!! *winks*

One step into the cafe, you'll see all kinds of pastries and slices of cakes. It's irresistable... Your saliva will surge out immediately like I did... *shy*
Let me show you my photos!!! ^^ I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do... <3

Look of the day!!!

Here we are~ 

These two things are YUMMY!!!

 You guys really should try it out!! xD

 Baby Jinn and I....
Awww I'm missing her already.. @.@
That soh po keep making me laugh.. >.<''

I kinda like this photo.. Love that feeling ^^

And here's my pretty princess. ^^
She's gorgeous isn't she?? *envy*

Right after our dinner we went for shopping!!! Aww.. Jinn Jinn, we had the same taste!!! Yeiksss.... I wonder if our future hubby will ever look the same??? LOL...
