My hubby boy is going to face his exam soon. While he was busy revising, my mind suddenly popped out these questions. So, I decided to give him a trial "exam". *winks* Let's see....
Name: Lim Boon Shin
Class: Oct22
Subject: Love
Please answer every question with the correct answer.
1. When is the first time you met your dream girl? (5 marks)
2. How was the situation when you met her? Describe your feelings. (10 marks)
3. Please describe your dream girl. ( 5 marks )
4. Who is your dream girl and why is she the chosen one? (10 marks)
5. What is the most memorable happening when you're with her? (5 marks)
6. How much love and care you can give her? ( 5 marks)
7. What will you do to make her happy? ( 2 marks)
8. What will you do when she's unhappy? (2 marks)
9. What will you do when she's angry? (2 marks)
10. How long will you love her? (2 marks)
11. Can you confirm with the above statement? (2 marks)
12. What will you d to make her accept you and love you like how much you love her? (10 marks)
13. What is her position in your heart? Please state the reason. ( 5marks)
14. What will you do when she come across a tragedy? ( 5 marks)
15. Will you ever angry her and show her temper? (5 marks)
16. What if the above answer you gave didn't work out? ( 5 marks)
17. Wht kind of reaction will you give if she did a mistake? ( 5 marks)
18. What is love to you? (5 marks)
19. What do marriage means to you? ( 5 marks)
20. Have you ever think of proposing to her and let her be the official wife of yours? If yes, when? (5 marks)
This were the answers he gave me:-
1. When is the first time you met your dream girl? (5 marks)
- In college while she was walking with her friends. 5 marks
2. How was the situation when you met her? Describe your feelings. (10 marks)
- My heart jumped like thousands of donkeys crashed my heart when I saw her. 10 marks
3. Please describe your dream girl. ( 5 marks )
- There is no other word than BEAUTIFUL.. No matter from look or heart. She is the most beautiful for me! 5 marks
4. Who is your dream girl and why is she the chosen one? (10 marks)
- Jasmine Lim En Yi. I choose her because my heart told me I'm deeply in love with her. 10 marks
5. What is the most memorable happening when you're with her? (5 marks)
- The 1st day we hang out. I did something she don't like. >.< 3 marks
6. How much love and care you can give her? ( 5 marks)
- I don't know how much care and love I can give her because I don't know the maximum care and love in this earth. 5marks
7. What will you do to make her happy? ( 2 marks)
- Surprises! ^^ 2 marks
8. What will you do when she's unhappy? (2 marks)
- Try my best to "tam" her... 2 marks
9. What will you do when she's angry? (2 marks)
- Console her and listen to her... 2 marks
10. How long will you love her? (2 marks)
- I don't know also. Cox, I don't think my love for her will ever end.....
2 marks
11. Can you confirm with the above statement? (2 marks)
- Sure!!! 2 marks
12. What will you d to make her accept you and love you like how much you love her? (10 marks)
- There is no other way... Just let her know that I love her very much.. And I'm sure she can feel it. ^^ 10 marks
13. What is her position in your heart? Please state the reason. ( 5marks)
- She's my number 1! She is the only 1 who concern about me and without her... my life means nothing! 5 marks
14. What will you do when she come across a tragedy? ( 5 marks)
- I will never leave her alone... Will always accompany her no matter what happens. 5 marks
15. Will you ever mad at her and show her temper? (5 marks)
- I'll try not to do so.... 2 marks
16. What if the above answer you gave didn't work out? ( 5 marks)
- Let my "lou po" punish me wahtever ways she like. ^^ 5 marks
17. Wht kind of reaction will you give if she did a mistake? ( 5 marks)
- My mouth will show "O' and laugh... HaHa xD 5 marks
18. What is love to you? (5 marks)
- Love is willing to do anything for the other person without any reason or benefits.... 5 marks
19. What do marriage means to you? ( 5 marks)
- Marriage means our relationship upgrade to another level and start out new journey with 2 person forever [before pregnant XD] 5 marks
20. Have you ever think of proposing to her and let her be the official wife of yours? If yes, when? (5 marks)
- Of course! Once I have enough money to let her become "fei po" in our lovely house! Muackss ^^ 5 marks
Total Marks: 95/100
Why did I deduct marks here???
5. What is the most memorable happening when you're with her? (5 marks)
- The 1st day we hang out. I did something she don't like. >.< 3 marks
( because he made me feel nervous that day!!! xD)
15. Will you ever angry her and show her temper? (5 marks)
- I'll try not to do so.... 2 marks
( because I want a confirmation NOT just try.... :-P)
Awww~~ He's my sweet hubby boy!!!! I Love Him! xDD I must control him from taking too much candies.. >.<
In contradictory, I enjoyed it.. @.@ That's why people always say Girls are inconstancy. Haha.. I admit that... I am one! xDDD Goodnight.. I think I showed off too much too.. *blush*
Labels: ❤ J's Romance