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Because this is My Blog,My Rules,My World
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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.
Doing... ♥
Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers
Aloha my fellow pals~ It's another working post again!!!! xDDD But please don't get bored. @@ This post is interesting~ Because this is the first time I went to F1-circuit at Sepang! Been working there for past 3 days! Its' weather is terrifyingly HOT andDRY... The foods and beverages were DARN EXPENSIVE and we have to carry a 9kg RedBull Bags around walking and yelling for sales. "Red Bull, Red Bull, would you like a can of COLD and ENERGIZING Red Bull...." That's me yelling around and the ang mo's will just looking at you laughing or some might just ignore you. Arggghhhhh....!!!!Red-neckSSSS!!!! I hate redneckersss!!!! How could they be so mean???! T^T
I'm now all tanned and exhausted. Having a serious backache and muscle pain! Ouch~~~ Fortunately, I get to work with a bunch of pretty babes. They cheered me up and we treat ourselves steamboat at Yulek!!! Yummy~ That's my favourite! Thanks to the babes! I LOVE YOU GUYS.....♥
This is Joey and me walking to the circuit. in a sunny day. =)
☜♡☞ Get flying colours results ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ True Friends ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ Fair skin ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ True Love ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ Money $$$ ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ A Great BF ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ Long hair ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ Be a successful dancer ☜♡☞
☜♡☞ Be a great detitian ☜♡☞
Aloha my fellow pals~ It's another working post again!!!! xDDD But please don't get bored. @@ This post is interesting~ Because this is the first time I went to F1-circuit at Sepang! Been working there for past 3 days! Its' weather is terrifyingly HOT andDRY... The foods and beverages were DARN EXPENSIVE and we have to carry a 9kg RedBull Bags around walking and yelling for sales. "Red Bull, Red Bull, would you like a can of COLD and ENERGIZING Red Bull...." That's me yelling around and the ang mo's will just looking at you laughing or some might just ignore you. Arggghhhhh....!!!!Red-neckSSSS!!!! I hate redneckersss!!!! How could they be so mean???! T^T
I'm now all tanned and exhausted. Having a serious backache and muscle pain! Ouch~~~ Fortunately, I get to work with a bunch of pretty babes. They cheered me up and we treat ourselves steamboat at Yulek!!! Yummy~ That's my favourite! Thanks to the babes! I LOVE YOU GUYS.....♥
This is Joey and me walking to the circuit. in a sunny day. =)