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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

Doing... ♥
Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

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ⓛⓞⓥⓔ Families
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Happy CNY 2011
Genting ♥ With Family
Allen's 21st Birthday.
Happy New Year
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Sweet Moment at Working times
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It's a Day with HIM
Penang With Them ♥
Penang With Family

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A day full with ROMANCE ♥
Written at Monday, February 14, 2011 | back to top

It's Valentine's day!!!  I hereby wish all the couples Happy Valentine's Day and stay sweet forever. As for those single boys and girls hope you guys get to find yours soon. =)

It's definitely a day with my boy~  He gave me surprises. How touching am I!!!! He totally planned everything to cheer me up. 
Awww~~ Love you to the max baby boy! *kisses* + *huggies* 

Okayyy.. No more wording here.. Let's have a look at the pictures. *winks*

Tah Da!!!! This is the first time in my entire life receiving roses! 

Off to Mid Valley. 

We queue up for the movie ticket once we reach MV. 
But seems like we're kinda late and there aren't any nice places left. 
I was so upset cox I wanna watch "What Woman Want" so MUCH!!!

Baby tried to cheer me up by leading me away.. 
I was disappointed until we reach the cinema entrance and baby suddenly show 2 tickets out.
I was so shocked and yelled. He bought it already!!!! Argghhh keep on hitting him and others are looking me.
Kinda embarrased. How do I feel?? Hmmm... Mixture of madness and happiness. 

After movie, I wanted to shopping but baby is complaining that he's hungry. Oh Well, have to find a restaurant then. We went to Gardens Mall and he suddenly head to Zouk Cafe. Telling me that he reserved a table. I wont believe until the waitress took us to our table and serve the meal directly.
Okay... I admit my reaction was funny. But it was unbelievable. Today he's full of surprises.

 Oyster.. >.<'' Something that I dare not try. But been forced to eat. @@!

 My Baby boy. 
Our yummy main course. 
Here's the dessert. I  it. 

He said he will hold my hands until the end of life! How sweet! 

After dinner I told him i wanna shop. We went to a nike shop. And suddenly something drop on the floor when I was looking at a shoe.I picked it up and it's a movie ticket. 10 more mins the show will start.Baby said we have luck today and decided to watch.I felt so uncomfortable using people's ticket so i refused. Unfortunately he pulled me all the way to the cinema and he suddenly whisper to me:" Baby, actually this ticket is mine" Again I hit him and squeeze him!!! Awwhhh!!! He's been tricking me! But honestly I feel sweet. 
 Movie: "I Love Hong Kong"

Finally it's time to go home. In the car.. he gave me another surprise!!! Look at this!!! Awww...
I love you so much baby dear. 

 Here's a kiss to end my blog post! 

Goodnight friends! *blush*
