Holla. I'm here to blog again. Working recently and i'm kinda stressed with my sales.
This year is slightly lesser sales compare to last year.
But I'm glad that my skills work better this year. *winks*
Let you guys see my new hairstyle.
It didn't work out like what I've expected.
I want it to be this way.
But it ended this way.
Well, not so bad actually.
My colleagues praised me that i looked cuter and younger.
But Joey Lim laughed at me and said i looked like a samurai~ 囧
Do i really look that funny with this hair?
Oh!!! And my MissLeeSeeKit gave me a x'mas present. Wee~~~
Happy When I get to receive one. Well, that's the only present i receive from a friend this year.
I still owe my Dabians x'mas presents. Hope to see you guys soon so we can exchange the gifts.
Miss you guys so much!!!!Labels: Randomness =)