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Allen's 21st Birthday.
Written at Monday, January 24, 2011 | back to top

Today is our dearest classmate, LeeSeeKit's elder brother 21st birthday.She invited us to his birthday celebration dinner. Well, you guys might be wondering why we attend our friend's brother party. We're not that familiar to each other. Just met him once or twice. 
Her brother, Allen Lee. is my baby's buddy. What a coincidence har? Well, not really that fortuitous. ^^
Thanks to SeeKit I get to know my this hubby. Or should I say thanks to me for knowing SeeKit and thanks to baby for knowing Allen? 
Everything is due to fate. Do you believe in fate? Well, I do. 

His party held at this Sharkfin House at Jalan Imbi. Baby fetch me from KLCC after my work. Dear Jinn followed behind. 
Let's see the photos we took today.

 Happy 21st Birthday Allen!
 Look at those food. Seems yummy right??? 

 We "lou sang" before the dinner starts.

This was my favourite!!!
I like sharkfin soup cox of the vinegar!  

Allen's friend. Can you guys see my baby? *winks*
 Allen with my babes. 

Lastly I still wanna say. Happy Birthday Allen. 
Hope you like our present.

Oh. And if you guys are interested in this place. 
Here's the details of it. 
No. 51, Jalan Barat, Off Jalan Imbi , 55100 KL 
Tel: 03-2143 9966 
Fax: 03- 2143 8966 
GPS: 3.143409,101.715379 

Or click on to their website.
Sharkfin House
