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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

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Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

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Whoever you are.
Port Dickson
Genting ♥ After Exam
Sushi King with Family
Sweet 19th Birthday ♥
It's Just Something bout Me.
It was an Accident.
AS Exam.

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Happy Birthday Baby ♥
Written at Tuesday, August 3, 2010 | back to top

Hadn't update my blog for long long time. Sowieee~~~ 
Today i'm gonna talk about my baby boy's birthday.

Yeshh, it's his birthday today and we're gonna celebrate at De Sweet Western SteakHouse near his secondary school.

Why we choose there?
Hmm... why did i choose there?
He asked me to decide a place, and that's the place that i searched which is most convenient to everyone.
Why did i say it's convenient to everyone? 
Tah-Dah!!! It's a surprise for him.

Planned to give him a surpise by calling his buddies along. They did pop-out all a sudden and did surpised him. xD
He did feel shocked when he suddenly hear a bithday song voiced by Johan Lai. 
Allen bought him a tiramisu cake that See Kit mentioned to me before. It taste geat! Thumbs up for that special cake. Just that it's kinda iced. LOL!

After dinner i'll have to rush back coz i have class tomorow. Feel so sad that i can't accompany him more, especially on his BIG DAY!!! And he had to be my driver somemore. T^T
Then, he'll have to rush back to Cheras to meet them up for karaeoke. 

Didn't spend much time with him on his b'day but i hope he'll like my present.
I spent a month for that. @.@ 

It's a puzzle with heart-shaped of our memories.

 At first planned to mail the pieces of it everyday and let him combined it up. But.... mission failed!!! 
Argghhh.... he said who else will know his house address except me!? Although i've find changed the handwritting!!! Swt~~~ =.='' My bad. 

Baby, u're 20 now. No more teen years for you.. HaHaHa~ Old Boy!!!
Wish you happy and healthy forever. It's just a simple wish but i really hope it'll come true.
Your happiness and health means alot to me k? *winks* And lastly, I Love You. and it's eternity.  XOXO

