Hey There! Welcome to Jasmine's Blog. ♥ Enjoy Reading My Tales ♥
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Because this is
My Blog,My Rules,My World

Navigations ♥

† Profile † † Journals † † Links † † Love Story † † Labels †
Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

Doing... ♥
Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

ⓛⓞⓥⓔ Darlinks
|Zhen Yein|
|Yee Ting|
|How Tong|
|Ka King|
|Chee Jen|
|Ka Hoe|
|Wilson YuSheng|
|Jia Rou|
|Rou Qing|
ⓛⓞⓥⓔ Sweethearts
|May Yee|
ⓛⓞⓥⓔ Tarcians
|Joey Lim|
|Jason Wong|
|Mun Hoong|
|Yao Bang|
|Wong Wong|
|Wooi Liang|
|Ling Li|
ⓛⓞⓥⓔ Families
|Chloe EnChin|

Memories ♥
August 2009 | September 2009 | October 2009 | November 2009 | December 2009 | January 2010 | February 2010 | March 2010 | April 2010 | May 2010 | June 2010 | August 2010 | October 2010 | November 2010 | December 2010 | January 2011 | February 2011 | March 2011 | April 2011 | May 2011 | December 2011 |

Happy Birthday Baby ♥
Whoever you are.
Port Dickson
Genting ♥ After Exam
Sushi King with Family
Sweet 19th Birthday ♥
It's Just Something bout Me.

Need a Chat???

Visitors ♥

Musics ♥

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Last Day of Exam!
Written at Friday, November 19, 2010 | back to top

Yesh Yesh Yesh it's last day of my exam and I'm free!!!
The minute in the exam hall I was putting my best effort on the paper.
The minute I stepped out of the hall I don't ever give a shit on the paper.
It's time for holiday!!!!

Went back home and pack up my luggage. xD
My first journey will be Ipoh.

Stay there for a night, next morning will continue to Food Heaven, Penang. 

