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Written at Saturday, June 19, 2010 | back to top

Recently, I was enjoying myself during school holidays. Having fun with friends and family.
But, when I saw some news and videos and even a facebook page.

# 1.
It was about a girl recalling about her boyfriend who passed away in an accident.
I felt so sorry to know about this. (although it's an old news)
I don't know why I have such feelings that it's also happening to me which is IMPOSSIBLE.
I felt sad and also sympathy in the same time.
I even have the scene of the accident and their memories lingering in my mind. So vivid, so deeply.

Well, I guess is my imagination too good harh?


You're a tough girl. If I were you I really cannot accept the fact or might even gone mad as well.
I sincerely admire your strong will. No matter what, stay happy ya. Surely there's many people supporting you right now.

If you guys are interested about her incident. Here's her blog link. 
(really touching and sad)

✿GIGI's life✿

Here's her facebook page for her beloved, Ken.
♥ GIGI ♥ 永远的 KEN ♥

# 2.
"Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh.
No Matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh.
The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh.
Your fine for a while but then start to loose control.

He's there in the dark,

he's there in my heart,
he waits in the winds
he's gotta play a part.

Trouble is a friend,
yeah trouble is a friend of mine. 

oh oh!.........."

If you hear this song, please like it. 

Whenever I heard of this song, it reminds me of a pretty girl from JB. This is her favourite song. Yes! Such a sweet and nice teenage girl. She's nothing different like me. She's 19 this year, she loves to camwhore, she's brave and active and trying to be happy after being emo and and and she's just a normal girl!!!!
No one can ever expect that such a sweet girl would have to leave all of us especially her friends and family so soon.
Yes, she might now in the other dimension looking every single one of us. EVERY SINGLE CRIMINAL!!!

She was killed by someone who broke into her house. (gunshot)
I felt so sorry to know about this. She's as big as me, but with different faith.
I was enjoying myself that night with all the wishes for my birthday, while she's suffering in the ICU. 
I'm such a jerk. I felt so awful. 


If you can see what I write, I sincerely wish you to be happy in your new world. That's what you wished for right? Your beloved friends and family will always pray for you and YOU will always in their heart. 
Rest in peace sweetie. 

You know your friends created a facebook page and made some video for you right? ^o^ 
I hope you don't mind I share it out here~ **winks**

Click it~

Here's her blog link with her last post.

Here's her facebook page.
BOBO莊君薇(球球),一路走好! R.I.P

This is about the incident.

