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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

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Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

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Genting ♥ After Exam
Sushi King with Family
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It's Just Something bout Me.
It was an Accident.
AS Exam.
It's Another Something that I Want.
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Port Dickson
Written at Wednesday, June 16, 2010 | back to top

Ahha yeap~ Went to PD with my college babes.. 
On 13/6/2010, Sunday night, I went out dinner with baby and went to Mii's house for overnight. xD
Chit-chatting and online for half of the night. 

On 14/6/2010, Monday morning, we rushed to fetch Kelvin, Kenny n Wei Hao to Joey's house. We left once everyone reached Joey's house. Oh my GOD, I'm starving that time. Lucky I still get to buy Maggie cup. **wee**

We stayed at Sunshine Bay Resort. An apartment with 3 bedrooms and 2 toilets. Not that nice but least they still can fit in all of us n MOST IMPORTANT it's near to beach n with ASTRO. **winks**

I had lot's of lot's of fun at PD. Well yeah~ least I learned how to play "La Mi", "Mahjong" and poker cards
What else we did?? Of course playing around at the beach, BBQ, n SS!!! We have lot's of "models" here who loves to SS, and 2 photographer who always disappear to snap their best shot~ 
Too bad, we din get to go for the war game or any other exciting games at PD. I know there's more than just those that we played. But, there's one thing I like bout PD is their seafood are great!!!! xD Nice! Nice! Nice!

Not much to talk about. I'll show you guys the photos. 

3| | |ENJOY!!!| | |4

♥ ♥ 

Oh yeah this is one of my FAVOURITES
Cos this is the first n only time Mii wanna snap wif me. 

Seriously , she look so AMAZING in these photos larx. xD
Aiyo~ Joey, I envy larx!!!! 

That's all for photo section. ~ BYE BYE ~
