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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

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Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

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Jia Rou's Big Day!!!!
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Hair Cutting Day
Written at Saturday, January 30, 2010 | back to top


It's a Hair Cutting Day !!!
Yeap, a fine Saturday. Me and my family and of course my baby went for a hair cut at Kim Gallery. Yohoo, it's close to Chinese New Year and everyone's free that day. So, why not? ^^
Ah harh, it's almost fully booked today. We reached at noon and Joyce is too busy till we have to walk in and out to wait for our turns. Till my mother get frustrated and showed her "colour face" to me and mumbling. As expected, my face turned black too. Grrrrr~ Luckily, baby's there to console me. which makes me feel much more better.
Little brother Sze Khai (Raymond) went for the cut first, then my little sister En Chin (Chloe) is the second. Raymond's hair was a blast, which my mum almost drop her eyeballs at the first look. LOL. After they're done, then it's my hubby's turn and the last is my turn. Hubby has a simple cut where I get my dry hair cut and dyed. ^^ Yeap, purplish red but looks abit black at first. My family went back first caust of my impatient mother.
After hours in the saloon, finally everything's done. We rushed to L'Occitane to collect my salary after received a call from Adam Ang. ^^ and also bought lot's of stuff there. Haha... i'm a SPENDER. *blush*
Wild right? ^^

This is my soh lou lou gong larx.
Looks kinda like black right?
P.S. : Kim Gallery is really a good saloon I tell you guys.

You guys really should go!!! It's just located at Time Square, 4th floor.
Written at Friday, January 29, 2010 | back to top

hmm~ Can I???
I've been wondering what caused my result so badly?
Well yea it's my fault for ignoring my revision.
I admit that I didn't take it seriously.

** blush **
Trying my best to catch up now.
Forced myself not to skip classes.
Try to go library everyday after class.
Do more revision and homework than previously.
Try to control my addiction towards internet.

I hope this would help me for my upcoming exam.
To prove that I'm not a loser or illiteracy.
To show to my parents that they were wrong about me.
I do care~

But, I always wonder.
How long can I last?
Will I always be determined?


Written at Friday, January 22, 2010 | back to top

Does friendship longlasting?
It's just a temporary relationship?
I wonder~

Just A Day
Written at Thursday, January 21, 2010 | back to top

Just a normal thursday.
I finished my class and wait for my baby to finish his class.
Around 12 pm we went to Wangsa Maju for lunch. ^^
Where we met my classmate on the way to Fancy Mee Corner.
When we reach there we met baby's secondary school friend, Ah Loy (Kim Jong).
LOL. Honestly he really don't look like 20 yrs old.
In fact, he looks more like 15yrs old. >.<
Oh My, really boyish leh.....
After ordered my favourite "minced meat sauce noodle".
Then , I captured my this noobie looking face.

After eating, we went to Tasik Ampang Hilir which is just next to Mii's house.
Yea yea, was playing around, snapping lots of pictures.


And.............. the cutest part is baby played the swing.

Wee~ cute dao... ^^"

Play~ Play~ Play~
Till it's late evening then back home luu.
Nice view isn't it??


How To Walk???
Written at Thursday, January 7, 2010 | back to top

I wonder.
How do we start walking?
When we learned of the real steps of walking?
What do we come across while walking?

I wonder.
How we went through the obstacles?
Who supported along the walk?
Why did they assisted us?

I wonder.
How am I going to continue the walk?
What ways for me choose?
How long can I last in this show?


End . Begin
Written at Friday, January 1, 2010 | back to top

It's an end for year 2009.
Sorrows and Frustration.
Failure and Overshoot.
I will slough off forever.
I need a new beginning.
With better adventures.
Fall upon exaltation.
Happens under intention.
Looking forward to joy.
I wished for more wishes.
An arranged lifestyle.
I longed for a success.
C e l e b r a t i o n
Had a celebration with hubby.
Waving to 2009.
Welcome for 2010。
A little of the "Mini Fireworks".
A sided seats with great KL view.
Gave us some satisfaction.
We had a dinner at Bread and Olives Cafe.
Located at Hulu Langat Look Out Point.
"Supposed to be a wonderful place for a countdown"
But, They just ruined it with some "fixed" menu.
Imposed a mandatory Set Meal which cost RM80++ per person.
Freaking MAN~
Felt like been cheated anyway.
Somehow, we just tried to remain our smile. =)
Games and tricks throughout the night.
** sweat **
A short while meeting with Baby's pal, Gino Chong.
(the so called most handsome guy in Taman Len Sen)
A guy with blue suit (if i'm not mistaken) or maybe purple.
Dragging his princess, walking towards us.
## When I mention PRINCESS, I rea...lly do MEAN IT! ##
Pretty, Elegant and Luscious girl coupled her dress attracted me.
Well, i pretended to ignore her prince though..
** winkZZZ ** Sorry for that Gino =p Just playing around.
Time's flowing and it's getting "early".
Better make a move before sunrise. >.<
Got a little "present" from hubby for 010110.
I guess only he will know what I meant.
Well, New starting with New Adventure.
Hoping life will turn better after a sweet slumber.
CiaoZzz~ ^^

Cheers for Me and my Hubby!!!

and my beloved friends and family.

