Wednesday 14.10.2009
When Pure Maths almost end~
See Kit suddenly ask....

Eii~ later go Sushi King loh!!!
Got promotion leh... Jinn got member card~
As usual norh...
hear dou got promotion then Jom Let's Go jor..
When we reach there...
we all aim for the purple dish luu.
They all keep "zak" the fried prawn to me nehx..
Wan me earn back...
*funny lo u all*

But... still my purse, my $$$
K larx~
After finish jor, me and See Kit going to library.
Others go back home lurh...
Tell u guys larx..
See Kit suddenly gone mad and keep yelling lo!
Really Damn FUNNY!!!!
She keep complain bout her rounded cheek.
**No wonder we cant find the golden balls at Sushi King, hide at her cheek ther dy. **
Then jump to the library norh..
Studied and did some revision~
and here is where See Kit created her FB account.
We stayed at there til 8 something norh..
This is the first time I stayed at college till so late.
So quiet.....
So peaceful....
SO Many LENG ZAIs at the Bball court!
Shuang dao~~~ >.<
But then,
the Bball gate was locked..
and we have to walk back to the main gate..