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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

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Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

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You Don't Understand Me
I Had A Dream- Our Memories
Farewell Party
I Love You!!!
When You Believe
Never Mention LOVE to Me
Happy Birthday Jin Hong, Kah Yau, Yu Sheng!!!
2009.8.27 Thursday~Night~Edison, Barett n Eric cam...
Seremban Day = Tiring Day

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These Few Days
Written at Tuesday, September 22, 2009 | back to top


Had been taking care my little sweetie these few days.

Oh my cute little pumpkin,

you're so adorable >.<


**P.S. Taking care a baby isn't easy, cherish that ur parents did their job well taking care of you.**

~ winks ~



Went shopping with family..

(and a baby) ^^"

Yes, I have to shop and take good care of him at the same time >.<

(part-time nanny) @.@


We went to SuShi King for breakfast..

n met Lester there.. hahaha.

he's quiet n cute!!! ^^

Then, went to Sg. Wang n Mid Valley..

guess what?!

I saw a Mini Cooper in my Favourite colour at the parking lot!!!

>.< Isn't it marvelous?!!!




prepare to leave ^^"

Me n Kay went to Royal Phantom at Damansara today...


At first we're suppose to eat "Dai Chao"

at Ayer Panas with Fellest n Alex.

But the shop din open.

So just go to Cannes Tea House near KFC nor. >.<

**sorry for not being punctual, Fellest n Alex**

**Don't tease me jor nar** @.@


they took us to their studio at Damansara...

camwhore in the car again >.<

Okay, Kay speed n both of the guys were stunt!!!

hahaha~ Kay dear you rock man!!! ^^

When we reach there,

we saw B-Boy Richie (Madonna's dancer) n his wife.

Cool isn't it?!!! ^o^

Not long later, Kelvin came...


Both Fellest n Kelvin were polishing the floor...

while Alex.............

keep poke fun at me (@.@)

"oh li gat dai" you ah... hahaha.

After staying for a short while,

me n Kay left the studio...

But, at least i manage to take some picture of it! ^^

wanna see??? hee...

There's upstairs also. For office purposes. >.<

Okie~ Fellest and Alex made some weird moves

Proud to present.... o.O

Ballerina Fellest....


Ballerina Alex


My tummy's pain due to laughter..

Oh Gosh >.<



I had a dinner with Kay's family at Cheras.


woah that's the longest meal i had to wait in my life!

waited for almost an hour til the food is served...

But, still "beh pai" larx.. ^^

I enjoy the meal!!! lolx...

After the meal,

Kay send me back home luu.

And here I am blogging after a nice n cozy bath!!! ^o^



P.S. Don't know why today my english so weird. Add in some other language.. @.@

** Sui Zai Alex.. u see u influenced me until I'm talking rojak now~**