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It's PaPa and Squash Day!!!
Written at Tuesday, September 29, 2009 | back to top

It's PaPa Day ^^
I'm seriously late to school today~

[[ technically means I skipped my class ]]

Bo bian larx...
No transport today,
Have to ma fan Michelle to come and pick me.

Oh yeah~
Forgotten to mention that,
It's also a High Heels' Day! ^^
All of us have to wear high heels to school~
My leg hurts!!!!

When I reach the college,
See Kit called...
She said:Eii, U wanna go for Chemi anot?
I asked:Why?
She said: Come find me, I'll tell you~

When I see her,
She's wearing shoes instead of high heels!!!
I though we all were suppose to wear high heels?!
Why aren't cha wearing?

Then they all burst into laughter...
She sprained her leg,
and her heels spoiled~
What the???!!!!
o.O? I was stunt...
She said that she had an extra 1 in the car and wanna change it there~

Let's go then.
Which means we're skipping another class again!
I'm so bad! @.@
And planned to go PapaRich for breakfast...
Good also larX!!! ^^
hahas... I'm starved!!!!

By the way,
Wanna see See Kit's torn heels?
Here it is!


Here we are, PapaRich!!!

Delicacies COME! COME!
Come to MaMa!!!! ^o^
I ordered Asam Laksa and a toast.

See Kit ordered Dry Curry Mee and Ais Kacang.
(if i'm not mistaken)

Michelle ordered Curry Mee. ^^

*all spicy food* lolx~

See Kit try to trick Jinn and flaunt that we're at PapaRich...
Guess what Jinn replied?
~Jiak Sai La Luu, Don wan fren u liao!!!~
Hahaha~ Poor Jinn

Papa's section off....
We're back to college now...

Yeap ^^

After long time being a piggy!
It's time to burn some fats!!!
Only me and See Kit.

guess what?
Our skills improve alot ad man!

That's cool~ ^^
We had a battle...
It's shame to say I lost at last..
Aiya, have to treat her a meal!

**tsk** **tsk** **tsk**
We went to the Giant near my house after squash~
and bought some vegetables back home.
Sob Sob, have to be chef luu...
By the way,
What surprised me was,
See Kit actually go shopping by herself?!
That's really shocking~ ^^"