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It's PaPa and Squash Day!!!
YeapIt's PaPa Day ^^I'm seriously late to school today~[[ technically means I skipped my class ]]HaHa~Bo bian larx...No transport today,Have to ma fan Michelle to come and pick me.Oh yeah~Forgotten to mention that,It's also a High Heels' Day! ^^Wee~All of us have to wear high heels to school~@.@My leg hurts!!!!When I reach the college,See Kit called...She said:Eii, U wanna go for Chemi anot?I asked:Why?She said: Come find me, I'll tell you~Wokay,When I see her,She's wearing shoes instead of high heels!!!Hey,I though we all were suppose to wear high heels?!Why aren't cha wearing?Then they all burst into laughter...She sprained her leg,and her heels spoiled~What the???!!!!o.O? I was stunt...She said that she had an extra 1 in the car and wanna change it there~Ok~Ok~Let's go then.Which means we're skipping another class again!Argghhh...I'm so bad! @.@And planned to go PapaRich for breakfast...Good also larX!!! ^^hahas... I'm starved!!!!By the way,Wanna see See Kit's torn heels?hahas...Here it is!Before....
Here we are, PapaRich!!!

Yeah,Delicacies COME! COME!Come to MaMa!!!! ^o^I ordered Asam Laksa and a toast.
See Kit ordered Dry Curry Mee and Ais Kacang.(if i'm not mistaken)
Michelle ordered Curry Mee. ^^
*all spicy food* lolx~See Kit try to trick Jinn and flaunt that we're at PapaRich...Guess what Jinn replied?~Jiak Sai La Luu, Don wan fren u liao!!!~Hahaha~ Poor Jinn **winks**Okay,Papa's section off....We're back to college now...Yeap ^^
After long time being a piggy!It's time to burn some fats!!!Hooray...But,Only me and See Kit.Yeah,guess what?Our skills improve alot ad man!
That's cool~ ^^We had a battle...Ok~It's shame to say I lost at last..Aiya, have to treat her a meal!**tsk** **tsk** **tsk**We went to the Giant near my house after squash~and bought some vegetables back home.Sob Sob, have to be chef luu...By the way,What surprised me was,See Kit actually go shopping by herself?!That's really shocking~ ^^"

My Hubby ♥
Lim Boon Shin
The gift in the box

This is my Boy! My Beloved! My Man!







This is how we get to know each other.
Sweet mouth isn't he??