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Okay~ Here's a small profile about me.I'm a normal girl who loves to blog.You see,nothing special.

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Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

ⓛⓞⓥⓔ Darlinks
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- - ♥ - -
It's PaPa and Squash Day!!!
Thanks Jess Liow
- - A Wedding Dinner - -
These Few Days
You Don't Understand Me
I Had A Dream- Our Memories
Farewell Party
I Love You!!!

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✖Drunken Maison ✖
Written at Saturday, October 3, 2009 | back to top

Drunken Maison

Firstly, I would like to wish the birthday boy here.
Yo... who's the birthday boy?!
It's YOU pal....

Never doubt!!!
You larx~
Happy Birthday Neo!
You're finally 18~ ^^

** as what u said, gain more maturity ya**
** always support you ^^ **

Sorry luu...
Din get a real cake for u on ur birthday~
Here's urs..
HuHuHu.. >.<



Friday Night, We went to celebrate Neo's birthday at Maison.

Who went? Not much...





✿Cassandra (Carwyn's sis)

✿Jing Shan (Adam's bro)



Hmm~ Not many people... But don't think it's boring!

We still have lots of fun though~


At first I also thought it'll be boring.

Hey never thought that it'll turn out this fun~?




P.S. : I'm drunk!!!




Yaluuu... Damn MALU luu~ @.@



Lesson 1: Never drink pure alcohol

Lesson 2: Never drink with empty stomach

Lesson 3: Don't drink all in one shot

Lesson 4: Never drink with Brendon!!!

(Just joking) hee~ don't angry k? ^^"



Well, I enjoy wandering on the dancing floor.

But, I'm not satisfy with the music!!!

No way!!!! Music is the soul of the dance~

**tsk** **tsk** **tsk**




- - Maison - -




Hehe~ Sorry, no photos for this section luu...

Worry my crazy and drunk look will scare u guys off. >.<