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Written at Thursday, October 29, 2009 | back to top



My Dear Wen Yi
Written at Wednesday, October 28, 2009 | back to top

What so special oh?
I don't know...
Who know leh??
Sha Po!!!
Happy Birthday Wen Yi.
You guys wanna noe who's tis girl I'm mentioning?
Small Profile About her..
Name : Chan Wen Yi
Age: 18''09
D.O.B: 28.10.1991
Favourite Flavour: Spicy

1. Love to laugh
2. Cannot be touched
3. Cannot offend
4. An extinct species
5. Hate harsh words

This soh po mai Wen Yi luu..


This girl here..
I know her since we're in Form 1.
Know what my 1st impression?
She can laugh very well.
You cannot see her stop laughing.
Every day u'll see her laugh and laugh.
Ya larx..
That's why i call her soh po.
hee~ >.<

Wen Yi Dear,
Now you're at Taiwan dy.
Having fun? lolx...
See u no find me d sure is very enjoy lo hor?
Got leng zai bo?
Don't forget to introduce to me wo =xD
18 years old jor larx..
Old PoPo lo...
My "Baba" geh "kai ma"!
hahaha... >,<
Eventhough u at Taiwan.
We all at here still will remember your Bday geh..
Not like u!!!
My Bday pun sudah 4get liao!
No heart!!!!
hehex.. ^o^

** Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to WenYi
Happy Birthday to You.**
Take care ya,My Friend!!!!
May all your wishes come true ^^
Love You~


Beloved Ameline
Written at | back to top

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

A very very very sincere SORRY for my beloved lui lui,
Ameline Tan May Yee.
I accidentally forgotten today was her birthday too.
Ah Mii really sorry ya...
Don't sad sad...
I sayang back nar~

This leng lui down here...
is my beloved "da mei"~
Merely and cordial is her best description.
Silly blankly and cute is her best characterization.

Happy Birthday My Dear

Sorry ya lui lui~
Only can give you tis Kitty Cake here ou.. @.@
Dai kor lui luu~
Wish You All The Best in Everything ya.
Mummy always support YOU geh...

Good Luck in your SPM ya!!!!
Love U to the MAX.....


- - Genie In A Bottle - -
Written at Friday, October 23, 2009 | back to top

- - Genie In A Bottle - -

I feel like I've been locked up tight
For a century of lonely nights
Waiting for someone to release me
You're licking your lips
And blowing kisses my way
But that don't mean I'm gonna give it away
Baby baby baby (baby baby baby)
My body's saying lets go
But my heart is saying no
If you wanna be with me
Baby there's a price to pay
I'm a genie in a bottle
You gotta rub me the right way
If you wanna be with me
I can make your wish come true
You gotta make a big impression
I gotta like what you do
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Gotta rub me the right way honey
I'm a genie in a bottle baby
Come, come, come on and let me out
The music's playing
The light's down low
Just one more dance
And then we're good to go
Waiting for someone
Who needs me
Hormones racing at the speed of light
But that don't mean its gotta be tonight
Baby, baby, baby (baby, baby, baby)
My body's saying lets go


Fragile Friendship??
Written at Thursday, October 22, 2009 | back to top

Fragile Friendship
P.S. My Brain full with thousands of question marks???


Written at Friday, October 16, 2009 | back to top


There's lots of things
With which I'm blessed,
My problems have been few,
But of all, this one's the best:
To have a friend like you.
In times of trouble
Friends will say,
"Just ask, I'll help you through it."
But you don't wait for me to ask,
You just get up and do it!
And I can think
of nothing more
That I could wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend,
And have a friend like you.


broken wednesday
Written at Wednesday, October 14, 2009 | back to top

Wednesday 14.10.2009


When Pure Maths almost end~
See Kit suddenly ask....

Eii~ later go Sushi King loh!!!

Got promotion leh... Jinn got member card~


As usual norh...
hear dou got promotion then Jom Let's Go jor..
When we reach there...
we all aim for the purple dish luu.

They all keep "zak" the fried prawn to me nehx..

Wan me earn back...

*funny lo u all*


But... still my purse, my $$$


K larx~
After finish jor, me and See Kit going to library.
Others go back home lurh...
Tell u guys larx..
See Kit suddenly gone mad and keep yelling lo!
Really Damn FUNNY!!!!
She keep complain bout her rounded cheek.
**No wonder we cant find the golden balls at Sushi King, hide at her cheek ther dy. **



Then jump to the library norh..
Studied and did some revision~


and here is where See Kit created her FB account.

We stayed at there til 8 something norh..

This is the first time I stayed at college till so late.

So quiet.....
So peaceful....
SO Many LENG ZAIs at the Bball court!
Shuang dao~~~ >.<
But then,
the Bball gate was locked..
and we have to walk back to the main gate..

Broken Week
Written at Monday, October 12, 2009 | back to top

Monday 12.10.2009

Same old Monday~
During Biology practical class...
I was too bored and made this words with potatoes.




hehex~ not bad ei?? ^^
As usual after Biology class we went to makan nor.
this time we went to Station 1 at Sri Rampai...


When we reached there,
Jess suggested to play cards..
" kam min toi"


K lurh~~
I admit that i'm slow luu..
Keep lose... ==lll
Then punished lorh...

Then we played the toy bricks...


and again i lose lorh!!!
this time they punished me to call people and ask for their names and D.O.B
If mission fail den nid to treat again..

A minute ago

A minute later

wah sei~~~
My $$$$$ (@.@)
★Crazy Week★
Written at Friday, October 9, 2009 | back to top

Crazy Week
(6/10/09 - 9/10/09)
2nd week of October 2009.
Why did i call it Crazy Week?
Cause we've been playing every day n night.
Just to celebrate See Kit's birthday..
6.10.2009 NeWay at TS
We went for shopping at Times Square after class.
Who went?
Well, See Kit , Jun Hao, Kelvin, me and that J pair. ^^
But then, Kelvin left n Sheu Lin approach.
Suddenly , See Kit suggested to sing K.
Yeah, we sang from 5pm to 7 pm.
Know what?
Me and See Kit sang those oldies song~
Walau, really funny lo.
See Kit very HIGH,
cause she's been standing and jumping on the sofa NON-STOP!
After singing, we went to VOIR n i bought a high heels back!
^^ preety n glittery leh~ I LOVE IT!
When i reach home,
Brendon n Neo asked me to go to Brendon house for a look~
7.10.2008 Luna Bar
Yeap, early in the morning...
I followed Brendon's car down to College.
Adam took "years" to come down....
Then, we went to have our breakfast at Steven's Corner.
and i turned out late for GP.
swt~ ==lll
After class, went to Madam Kwan's at Pavilion for lunch.
Then, i have to rush back home to prepare for my next journey.
Headed to Pandan Jaya to meet them up.
Then, we went to TS to meet up Jinn n Sheu Lin.
Woah, a big jam causes us to wait her for some time.
Hahaha~ BUT....
We didn't waste those time,
instead we took lots of photos in the car~
Wanna see?? ^o^
Win Jinn reached and we went to Changkat Bukit Bintang,
A special restaurant called Palate Palette at Jalan Mesui..
(which sounds like Pelik Pelik) >.<
The environment is nice!! pretty! awesome!!
Lot's of foreigns like to wander around that area though.
During the dinner time,
We took lots of lots of photos..
Yeah.. That's why we're called SS gang.. hahaha...
Hey, NOT Syok Sendiri k?
Is Super Star!!! hahaha~
(i'm so vain)
Taking photos, self portraits were one of our routines.
Especially in our FAVOURITE place >>>>>> (WASHROOM)

After the gals finished dining.
The boys went to the Mamak Stall at the next street.
(cause they think the price were too expensive n they din order much)
But, the price at that Mamak Stall also not cheap wan leh!
Then, we went to Luna Bar~

Located at Menara Pan Global, near KL Tower. ^^
Chii-weet!!!! The view there is D awesome.
You guys really should go there some day~
As usual we took lots of the photos!!!!
Me, Win Jinn and Sheu Lin were the most vain among the others.
We just can't stop camwhore. **blush**
Yeah, tonight's Ladies' Night.
We girls can have FREE VODKA/COCKTAIL.
We stay there till 11 something n left.
Win Jinn was drunk alright. >.<
Red Face and High looks.
hahaha~ Funny lo u, Jinn!
See Kit sent me back home and we ate some mini cakes in front of my house.
hee~ ^^
An hour later,A fren asked for accompany.
Well, a bottle of 50ml whisky at the pool side. >.<
I wonder what is he thinking and wondering?
He seems like having lot's of arcanums and depression.
Well, hope you'll be fine and don't think too much k? ^^
7.10.2009 Twenty-One
Today, after school me, See Kit and Jun Hao went to Twenty-One.
Well, at first i expect that the price will be expensive.
But, hey~ Guess what?!
There's lunch set which only cost RM8.90 for Fish n Chips with a drink!
Cheap right?!!!!
Damn worthful luu... >.<
We chat alot in the restaurant.
And i enjoyed the nice environment there.
Hope to be there again soon.
9.10.2009 Happy 4 Seasons
See Kit Dear!!!
Today is your birthday larx!
you're officially 18 jor ^^
No need worry bout under age cant go clubbing larx.
hee~ >.<
Today after school,
We went to 4 Happy Seasons near WangsaWalk n Carrefour.
They had a plan,
A great surprise for our See Kit 娘娘...
Pui Kwan has to find excuse to take her TARC shirt from the hostel.
and i have to take See Kit to round n round so that they can have enough time to prepare.
See KIt was shocked ans surprised when they took the cake out with the birthday song on.
I wondered if she's touched? hahaha..
Dear, is not easy to take u merry-go-round de nehx >.<
The cakes are cute and delicious..
with 5 words on it..

Thnaks Jinn for the perfect cake! ^^
At last,
A birthday song dedicated for our leng lui.
Happy Birthday to U
Happy Birthday to U
Happy Birthday to "Niang Niang"
Happy Birthday to U
P.S. : I didn't upload much photos here due to my laziness~
Please Forgive me **blush**
But you can see the photos by clicking this link.


✖Drunken Maison ✖
Written at Saturday, October 3, 2009 | back to top

Drunken Maison

Firstly, I would like to wish the birthday boy here.
Yo... who's the birthday boy?!
It's YOU pal....

Never doubt!!!
You larx~
Happy Birthday Neo!
You're finally 18~ ^^

** as what u said, gain more maturity ya**
** always support you ^^ **

Sorry luu...
Din get a real cake for u on ur birthday~
Here's urs..
HuHuHu.. >.<



Friday Night, We went to celebrate Neo's birthday at Maison.

Who went? Not much...





✿Cassandra (Carwyn's sis)

✿Jing Shan (Adam's bro)



Hmm~ Not many people... But don't think it's boring!

We still have lots of fun though~


At first I also thought it'll be boring.

Hey never thought that it'll turn out this fun~?




P.S. : I'm drunk!!!




Yaluuu... Damn MALU luu~ @.@



Lesson 1: Never drink pure alcohol

Lesson 2: Never drink with empty stomach

Lesson 3: Don't drink all in one shot

Lesson 4: Never drink with Brendon!!!

(Just joking) hee~ don't angry k? ^^"



Well, I enjoy wandering on the dancing floor.

But, I'm not satisfy with the music!!!

No way!!!! Music is the soul of the dance~

**tsk** **tsk** **tsk**




- - Maison - -




Hehe~ Sorry, no photos for this section luu...

Worry my crazy and drunk look will scare u guys off. >.<