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Feeling : Happy Go Lucky
Eating : Junks
Doing : Nothing
Watching : You
Listening to : Naggers

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Cousin's Wedding
Jia Rou's Big Day!!!!
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Happy Birthday Jin Hong, Kah Yau, Yu Sheng!!!
Written at Monday, August 31, 2009 | back to top

2009.8.28 Friday

Early in the morning
I woke up as i'm not used to the room =xD
exhausted + lost my soul= out of control
I'm out of control!!!!

Me n Kay went for our brunch at Sakura.
Very Very expensive!!!
OMG @@
A plate of Wan Tan Mee robbed away my RM15

Nevermind larx..
once in awhile!!!
hahaha ^^"

Then she send me back home.
** she speeds** (@~@)
Gurl you're damn HOT!!!

after my family off back to hometown
Jovinna came n we went to Sunway~
We went for steamboat buffet near Taylor's.
she look even younger MAN!!
wif her gold hair n cute dress~ ^^

A mini celebration for Jin Hong, Kah Yau & Yu Sheng!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
**P.S. Sorry din buy u all any birthday cakes** >.<


Yu Sheng
Jia Rou
Man Yee
Weng Chun &
Yiing (his gf)
Jin Hong
Kah Yau
Kian Seng
Kai Jie &
Yong Xin (his gf)

reli very long din see u guys alrdy!!!
great meal! ^,~
Especially Kah Yau, Kien Seng n Kai Jie..
very clever to "sou fo"
buffet master!!!

after meal...
we went to Sunway for a walk...

Part of them was bowling >.<

We planned to have a movie after bowling~
no one can make a decision on wat to watch~
so juz jalan jalan cari makan..
n they makan Baskin Robbins..
hahas~ ^^

Time's flowing and it's getting late...
They planned for a pool game~

From Sunway Pyramid >>> Taylor's college

Taylor's College : Beautiful building~
Well , at least look more high class than TAR College!! ^^

The Pool centre was fully booked so we went to SS2
(Main Campus of Taylor's College n INTI)
round and round til we finally found a parking space~
Sunway Taylor's >>>> Asia Cafe,SS2
Also full?!!! (X.X)
So as the pool centre n pub next to TBS
(the environment is so nice n high class)
But...full also..

At last,
we went to Connaught snooker n pool centre (Perfect)

Finally there's a place for pool....
Everyone were playing until 3 something (I guess)
Sayonara!!! ^^"


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2009.8.27 Thursday


Edison, Barett n Eric came n fetch me~
I went to Kay's house for some preparation..

hee~ ^^"

while the boys eating Bak Kut Teh downstairs..

Around 9 something~
We off to Bar Celona...
Reach there 10 something and it's too early..

Wandering around til the crowd starts to be merrier~

the party begins!!!!

glasses of chivas and vodka driving me into thirst...
the dancing floor was abit desolated~
the guy next door went up.. ^^
and drives us up too..
next minute...
the dancing floor starts to burn!!!

The whole night was UNBELIEVABLE & UNEXPECTED~
I never thought that I would be such..........
(dono how to describe also) >.<
Kay starts to sway~
Not in a conscious situation made me worry..@~@
That night I was total shocked..

she's my "Woah Factor"

We left Bar Ce around 4~
Kay is drunk for sure!!! >.<
Luckily~Ivan gave a helping hand ^^
such a nice and caring guy...

I will NEVER NEVER NEVER forget tonight!!!
the situation,the scene will always be in my memory vividly~T.T
Oh gosh!!!!


This song keep lingering in my mind...

~I Gotta Feeling~

I gotta a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night (repeat)

Tonight's the night night
Let's live it up
I got my money
Let's spend it up

Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
ump off that sofa
Let's get get OFF

I know that we'll have a ball
If we get down
And go out
And just loose it all

I feel stressed out
I wanna let it go
Lets go way out spaced out
And loosing all control

Fill up my cup
Look at her dancing
Just take it off

Lets paint the town
We'll shut it down
Let's burn the roof
And then we'll do it again

Lets Do it (repeat)
And live it up

Coz I gotta a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night (repeat)

Tonight's the night
Let's live it up
I got my money
Lets spend it up

Go out and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump off that sofa
Lets get get OFF

Fill up my cup (Drink)
Mozolotov (Lahyme)
Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)
Just take it off

Lets paint the town
We'll shut it down
Lets burn the roof
And then we'll do it again

Lets do it (x3)
Let's live it up

Here we come
Here we go
We gotta rock

Easy come
Easy go
Now we on top

Feel the shot
Body rock
Rock it don't stop

Round and round
Up and down
Around the clock

Saturday & Sunday

You know what we say
Party everyday
Party everyday

And I gotta a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night (repeat)


Things that happened was so not in my intention...
I never thought that it'll heppened~
it's almost same as asking me to SMOKE

which it's obviously a IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!
P.S. Who doesn't know that I HATE SMOKE?!!!
How akward that feeling was...
Seremban Day = Tiring Day
Written at Tuesday, August 25, 2009 | back to top

2009.8.25 Tuesday


A very tiring day~

Me, Bryant n Wan Yee went to Nilai to hav a look ^^


It took us about 1 n half hour to reach there (=.=)

hahas~poor min qi ^^


When we reached there...

the stadium was quiet n desolate clear..

We're so swt!!!!

Then, we went to have a peek on the competition schedule~


Finally,after some while...

the game begins...

there's some voice!!! ^^

Yeapii ~

Watching KL vs Penang..

But, it's too boring...

So, we had our lunch at McD~


see how tis fellow eat??

whole mouth oso dirty!!!


lik small boy oni!!!


When we went back to the stadium(2nd round)

More people were there watching~

And we noticed that Jack Koo(Champion of I Wanna Be A Model)


Me n Wan Yee were stunt...

he's jz sitting behind us...hee ^^

Really a Good Looking guy!!!

Then,I saw Ming Xiang...

wah~ he seems lik tall alot alrdy wo ^^

hahas..and Ah Quan oso...

we had a chat before we head to their hostel..


their hostel is SO F A R!!!!

it's almost same as goin back to KL~

It's at Senawang~

reli reli FAR!!! >.<

After knowing the location of their hostel(Spanish Villa)

We rushed back to the court again(3rd round)

Really is Seremban one day trip~


We manage to watch Group LC (Selangor vs Penang)

Then, I met my idol n his friends ^^


he recognised me!!!

hahaha..happy happy ^^

Unfortunately,Penang lose to Selangor~

Ming Xiang look so down..@.@


Then,my kor, Soong Wei came ^^

hee~he's on for the next match at 8pm...

Group LB (Sarawak vs Perak)

hahas~ good luck luu kor!!!

Back to the Past~ But things changed...
Written at Wednesday, August 19, 2009 | back to top

Today, after school i went to Petaling Street~
To meet my "Da Bian" member frens... >.<
I guess u all might wonder y i said "Da Bian"?
Yeah~ it's S.H.I.T.!!! =xD
weird isn't it? hahas~ but SPECIAL
I believe people will never forget it! >.<
On my way to Mamak stall
(where we used to stay back for gossips n peeking)
I saw lots of familiar faces~
OMG~ lot's of them said that i looked more matured alrdy~
one even said tht i've grown up!
how swt was I~
means i looked old liao larx?!
P.S. I found out tht our skul reli produce leng luiS de leh!!!
proud to be one of Confucian students =xD
Things reli changed alot!
I almost cant recognise the place alrdy~
that old spoiled road was repaired,
the backstreet of Wesley's church had added nice roof!

We reached Mamak earlier than we appointed~
so, we will jz hav to wait till Wan Yee them finished school
while waiting~
I saw lots of students walking down.....
Maba players in their Petronas shirt walking around
(some of the girls looked pretty oso de leh! n some junior player looked cute!)
teachers passing by~
Encik Chong driving his Myvi, n Puan Phua~
Encik Soo~ as usual had his tea at Mamak!
really miss those days as a secondary students!
Around 2 something only they come out~
(Wan Yee, Li Ching, Pei Lei & Coco)
**swt** **swt**
The weather is SO HOT
my face was burning n turned into a tomato! ^^"
If I tell ppl tht i'm drunk sure they'll believe!
hahas~ ^^
After some while~
Pui See(my beloved lui lui) came!
Then, they had to go back to MBS for some decoration
(i guess)
So, we went to the cafe next to the school

I tried their Korean Maggie & Ice
Yummy~ >,<
U see~~~
This is the Mango flavour

Mine is Rose!

(taste like syrup)
I would prefer mango =xD
Ju Yee ordered Mocha
(If i'm not mistaken)
The shop even sold some other accessories
Looked at the BAGS!!!
So So So Cute! =xD
Look at this shirt!

suits me!!
Oh my God!!!
The Hello Kitties were awesome!!!
I wan it!! >.<
After some time,
Amanda came~~
we took some photos before we off~
How funny was the photography section!
Wanna see the photos?? ^^"
Here it is~
(with some of my self portraits)

xiao mei ^^''

3 soh po

hey~ where's my kiss?!

Ju Yee very "bu he qun"

Yeap~ don mess up wif us! hahas

When the lift closes~


We are the SHITS!!! ^o^

Time really do flies!
Everything change in just a glimpse of eye
Look at this place~
It was so familiar...
but also strange~
I think this is also wat amanda said~
SO close....
yet So F A R
This school of mine~

this road and buliding~

gave me lots of memories....


LOVE Hurts
Written at Monday, August 17, 2009 | back to top

2009.8.17 Monday

Today,was a very very SAD Day~
One of my Friends was hurt by a boy!!!
How can this be happening?!
How can that boy be so stupid?!
He's Such a casanova!!!
How cruel and mean to cheat a girls feelings?!
She's such a wonderful n perfect girl!
I really never see her crying so badly before

My Dear,
please don cry~
it's worthless for u to cry for him~
Ur tears are more worthful for that moron!
(sorry for being rude)

One cried was a disaster...
Another recalled her sad memories n cried too~
I am weak in consoling ppl
really sorry bout that~
what i can only do is be by ur side my friends!

Your tears hurt me so much~
I know how suffering it was...
Yes, I do noe~
I went though it before..
It was difficult to hold your tears and sorrows
I tried my best to hide it deep inside my heart
cox i truely clear that i'm playing a role of consoling~
i'm so not going to cry for LOVE anymore!!!

When we reached DK,
her tears still cant stop dripping down~
How pityful...
My heart was so pain when i saw this,
but i was helpless! Haix...
Michelle suggested to take her to the back of DK
where she can cry as much as she can!
Joey said that she would "yim" his "bro" if she can!
hahas~I support u Joey!!!
After return to DK,
Michelle too..
can't control her feelngs and.......

U guys are so gonna get it!
One day, u'll get ur punishment~
What are girls for?
born to be hurt or wat?!

After coming across so many cases,
I learned alot of lessons~
Should i be grateful or what?
I don't know~
I only know now I'm getting tougher than before
that little naive girl is gone FOREVER!!!!
Nothing can ever cheat me or trap me down
SUCKS!!!! haha~

Just enjoy being single GIRLS ^,~
There's lots of excitement out there~
Much more fun than being hurt n locked by "boyfriends"
And Friends~
What are Friends for?
A pal for u to share fun, joy and sorrows of course!

Cheer for Every Girls in the world!
Hip Hip Hooray~ ^^


what a Friday
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2009.8.14 Friday

Wow~today everybody look so so so exhausted
Joey, Jinn, Jess(Sheu Lin), Kenny(Show Phoon), Jason, Kai Hao, See Kit still ok....
hehex...Only Kelvin was complaining for not informing him tat they went to sing K~
everyone skipped biology lecture (except for Kai Hao n Jason)
All of us hanging a pair of panda eyes on their face!!! ^o^hahaha
During the lessons~

everyone was half asleep and "fishing"
**tsk** **tsk**poor Shue Lin look so tired >o<
never see her look like this b4~
cham nehx...

After Pure Maths~
Me n Sheu Lin went to Sport Complex for the Oriental Odyssey
hahas..she said that got free Korea , China and Japanese Food!

Waliu~ My saliva all drip out jor~
But then we went there..oni got free Yakult =xD
boom dao nehx!!!!>o<
So we bought ice-kacang n eat!
haha very refreshing!

But then we saw lots of performance!
hahas...there's this lion dance nehx
this Lion arhxx~

suddenly turned his head so close to me!
frightened me nehx..T.T
Sea Li them saw dao den burst to laughter @.@

Then,we watched some Wu Shu and Akido (i guess)^^"
I dono whats the real name

but those little kids that performing were SO CUTE
Aww~~how adorable!

the little girl was so brave
The young boy look handsome
and the youngest boy look was D adorable n cute!!!!!
(wanna pinch his face leh) >.<

I was attracted to the performance n lazy for the Chemistry practical
how notty am i today!
hahas~skip another lesson again >o<
Then, we went to Feeling CafeWe ate some food and play pool luu~


laoya larx me! @@

Finally,Ah Siong(Lawrence) reached alrdy!!!
Wah..from 3 p.m. ask u come~
5 something oni u reach nehx

but still thanks for the ride larx =xD