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Listening to : Naggers

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New blog!
I love you guys SO MUCH!!!! ♥
Cousin's Wedding
Jia Rou's Big Day!!!!
Working Day with hubby ♥
A Family Outing
An Outing with my Babe ❤
Show Luo ♥
It's a LOVE post. ♥
What a Day!

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New blog!
Written at Saturday, December 10, 2011 | back to top

Hey friends! I have a new blog!

Please follow Jasmine L for more interesting posts 

and updated events! 

Have a good day! 
I love you guys SO MUCH!!!! ♥
Written at Tuesday, May 17, 2011 | back to top

Awww... Speaking about love! I tell you what is LOVE. There's 2 kind of love for me. 1 is for my hubby and the other is for them!!!! Yea!!! Especially my beloved Jinn Jinn and Kit Kit. For me ,they are "fanta-bulous!!! There are not just my buddies, they exceeded!!! They are like my family members! Awww I just simply love them!

Thanks Jinn Jinn, See Kit, Kenny and Choo WH!!!! Spending their time for me as a farewell outing.*touched*
Went to Sunway Pyramid today and fool around. Awww~ I'm so gonna miss today!!! 

Let the photos tell you how I enjoy my day with the beloved ones. ^^

 We are the STUPIAK GANG!!! LOL...
These fingers belongs to the boys!!!!

 I'm the so called "Beethoven"!!!!

 ❤ ❤ ❤

Oh~ And they brought me to Ampang Korean Village for a SUPER DEICIOUUSSSS Korean Food for dinner! Yummy love you guys... 

Hugs from my beloved See Kit and Jinn Jinn and they asked me to take care. *sob sob*
So gonna miss you guys when I reach Nilai.....
(especially SK's boobiesss.... LOL)


Cousin's Wedding
Written at Sunday, May 15, 2011 | back to top

Aloha, today you guys will stand a chance to see the elegant type of Jasmine. *narcissist-ing*
xDD What??? I do look kinda elegant in this dress, do I??? Lolxx.. Okay, I'm crapping again. I know it's time to quit it.
Back to the topic, today's my cousin's Wedding Day. Frankly, I never meet her before until today.
My family tree is too big, bigger than you can ever imagine, the numbers are massive!. LOL... It's embarrassing when you don't even know who are your cousins and relatives. It can happen when he/she just pass by and you don't even know he/she is actually your relatives. So, do appreciate your time with your family and get to know more about your relatives. *winks*
My cousin is a she, and she just came back from Australia for her wedding. Well, her husband is an Indian I guess, or maybe a mix.
Her wedding dinner held at this Grand Palace at Pavilion. Sounds kinda high class har?? LOL.. That's why I have to dress up like a total matured lady. @.@ But, I look elegant right??? *OMG I just can't stop with the elegant part* Let's have a look at the photos I took. I promised for more photos this time and so here they are!!!! *ngek ngek* Neither the bride nor groom I'm gonna show you, it's gonna be Jasmine ONLY!!!

 I like my this silky hair. Love that feeling! Aww~

Geee wiitt~~ Imma sexay bitch!!! LOL.
OMG I can't stand with myself!!! *blush*

 My look of the day!!! Told you I looked elegant!!!


Jia Rou's Big Day!!!!
Written at Wednesday, May 11, 2011 | back to top

Recently, lot's of my friends are getting married. I wonder if it's a wedding season or the "doms" are malfunctioning!!! Lolx... Sorry, just joking... xD
It's our beloved Jia Rou's Big Day tomorrow!!! Tonight we had a reunion/pre-weding dinner at Jia Rou's house. It's really been a long while since I last saw them. @@! Wow time flies....
Everyone has a partner, including me. *blush* (almost everyone) And now Jia Rou's getting married. Wow, unbelievable, we were so young when we're still in secondary school and now... "boo" we're all grown ups!!! @@
We chat around and planned for tomorrow's "tricks"... And last minute's job will end up.... errr.... you'll know from the pictures.. xDDD So just enjoy!!!!  (kakaka actually imma just lazy to type)

Here's my secondary classmates (girls)
Pre-wedding Dinner 
(SMJK Confucian 5SM'' 2008 Gang and partners)

Now the groom has arrived!!!

We ji muis have to guard the entrance!!! xD

 Here's the game!!!! LOL

Tah Da!!!!! Sweet right???? hahahaha~~

And they have to eat bread with Tom Yam paste!!!
Yucksss!!!!! @@!

 Waiting outside the bride's room. 
(P.S. Can you see us??? xDDD)

 Awww So Sweet!!!!! 

 Yeah we are the Ji Mui Gang!!!! xD

 Lastly, I wanna take this opportunity to wish Jia Rou and Horace, 
stay happy forever and have a cute and healthy baby!!!
I'm glad that you found your true ones to accompany you for the rest of your journey Jia Rou. 

- Happy and Lovely Wedding -


Working Day with hubby ♥
Written at Friday, May 6, 2011 | back to top

Yo people, It's Jasmine in the house! I'm currently working for the Mom and Baby Expo 2011 at Mid Valley. I'm promoting this Knife sesame oil and some sauce and bean paste. xD Yeeee, I kinda like his job cox I get to see lots of lots of babies and pregnant ladies. Awwww, looking at them shopping happily I felt so sweet. And one more thing I like about this job is I get to work with my hubby boy for the very first time.  Oh and I get to know with a bunch of pretty ladies. Yeah.... It's quite a happy job actually except for the "lady" who stood beside me..
Keep forcing me to stand out of my position and pull customers!!! Urgghhh... I just wanna stand beside Jinn Jinn and pack things. @.@ I dont wanna pull customers. T^T Dislike her!!!!!! Curse you.... Bleckssss.... >.<'' Gee I'm so evil. xD But I will not feel sorry for being evil cox she's bad!!!!!!! lolx...

Okie.. Now it's photo section!!!! 

 Mom and Baby Expo 2011

It's my hubby!!!  ♥

 Renee and Me!!! ILH~ <3

I love this photo D much!!!! Let me introduce you these pretty girls. xD
From 2nd left: Shirley, -, Stephy, Yann, Jinn, Me, Hubby and Sam.
(Sorry I forgotten the other 2 girls' name. *sob* I'm sorry,not in purpose)


A Family Outing
Written at Monday, May 2, 2011 | back to top

Hey guys!!! Yeap, it'll be a family post today. We went to Sunway Pyramid today. Didn't know why but it just happened. It took us around 1.5 hrs to reach Sunway from my house. Sounds so exaggerating right? But it's true!!! My buttock flattened when I got out of the car... Grrrr... 

Wokay, it's always photo section after some craps for introduction. xDD
Went to Fullhouse for our lunch after a tiring window shopping. >.<''

Look of the day. <3

My lovely mother. 
P.S. *She looks fat here!!! LOL*

Me and my 2nd sister. xD

 This thingy taste good. xD

Didn't get to take many photos today. Cox it's just shopping and walking. >.<
Don't worry, there will be more photos for my next post. 
I promise. ^^
