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An Unlucky Day
Written at Monday, March 1, 2010 | back to top


Super unlucky day

Today, I went to baby's house after school.
Around evening, baby fetch me back home.
But, it's raining heavily, tremendously heavy rain!!!
There's a big jam a step out into MRR2.
Hell, I'm so late nehx.
Gonna get screwed by mum~
Well, there's no point keep noisy while stucking in the jam.
The car at the front sat 5 big-sized guys in white.
Suddenly, the car started to reverse and ''BANG" it went.
Baby's face turned black with some "foreign language'' out from his mouth.
LOL. ( I wasn't laughing at that time )
Baby flashed on them to go aside for negotiation .
But they won't want to stop and act like there's nothin happened.
What the M hell~
Baby just stopped and walked down only they willing to come down.
But not the driver came down, it's the one who sat beside the driver.
While they were talking, that car still moving and reversed again.
Swt!!! Baby immediately hit his car.
( I bet my skill is SOOOOOO much better than him )
Baby went mad, but they blamed my baby knocked into their car.
I've never seen anyone as rash like them.
Not Malaysian still dare to provoke Malaysian.
Beware of this car when you guys are driving k???

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