Malacca Trip
Wokey, as I was saying. We rushed back from Ipoh to KL last night. Yeapii, get to meet my baby today. Going to Malacca with my beloved Dabian's and Flies~
Early in the morning, baby came to fetch me to meet up them at the Mamak stall next to our secondary school. *winks* Awww~ really miss the times there with my secondary friends. @.@
Finally they all reached around 10+ a.m. and off we go to Malacca. Woo~ I have to direct them the way, (just agak-agak know only actually) *blush*. But still, we manage to reach the right place and we reach Malacca at noon time where Yik Wei's "friend" met up with us at the tol entrance. We went to take our lunch at at vegetarian restaurant and check into the motel. Forgotten it's name but I know it's nearby to the Dataran Pahlawan and a bar, Arena (their clubbing). >.<
After checking in, we went to sit the don't know call what thinggy, it spins around for us to look the nice view of Malacca up in the air.
^.^ Then, we visited lots of lots of old buildings and went to the street where there's jonker walk. LOL. here is where we took lots of photos.
Photo Section
WeiWei n her "friend"
JuYee n her dear
Wan Yee n Pei Lei
That artist's scary isn't it? With a ruined grave yard. @.@
Ju Yee n me~ ^^
Baby n me *muacks*
One of the "underways"
Yea~ That's me.. ^^" .
That's Wan Yee.
Having photo snapping with the parrot -:p

Ouch =)
Was having fun walking around although it's hot and burning. @.@ Me and JuYee took a few of stupid looking photos, but it has its funny point. ^^
I know~ It's ugly. @@
Soh Po
2 weirdos
After finish visiting, we went to the beach. It's not that dirty, neither clean too~ But still acceptable larx. Running all over the beach, the couples busying taking photos, drawing on the sand and playing with the sea water. Then, we went back to the motel before sunsets.
Playing chasing~ ^o^ how sweet.
Walking on the beach.
Couples taking photos. ^^"
Me n my hubby~
I wonder~~
Why the girls always have to be the one who holds the camera? o.O?
Night, we went to eat the Satay Celup. Wow, taste GREAT man~ Yummy. Yummy... ^-^
After the dinner. They setted off to clubbing. Woohoo... It's so nice being a good gal for not going. =) Juyee wasn't feeling well, shawn accompanied her. me n baby planned for a movie but lazy at last n went to bed early. around 3 am , they came back n WeiWei knocked on our door... LOL~ (drunk???)
The next day, we woked up n get prepared to check out. =) A "housekeeping caller" came n knocked our door around 11am. That was weird. When the second call, I identified Wei's sound.
Silly her... LOLx~After checking out we went to eat their famous chicken rice ball,
Then, we went to a temple.
(where 2 boys prayed)
.Then we went to D.P. to sing k~ woohoo that was fun.....
Finally, went back to KL when it's almost night time. *tiring*
Labels: Friends are IMPORTANT